Virtual STEM Classes

Virtual STEM Classes

Learn STEM

Virtual Class Benefits:

Accessible from anywhere in the world
Simply just log in to your class and start learning. Live teachers will guide you through class material and give you practice problems to solve.

Live Instructors will guide you
With a maximum of 8 students in each virtual class, your instructor will spend some personal time with each students by asking students to share their screen and help them get answers to their questions.

Free Simulator Software provided to you:
Throughout the courses, students need to use various simulators for Robotics, Coding, Electronics or Mechanics courses. All software will be provided to students for free.

Turn Your Kid into a Little Engineer

One of the most important elements of engineering is problem solving. It is a systemic technique which can be learnt from childhood.
During classes, students are taught how to break a big problem into smaller pieces and create simple diagnostic tests to find the root. Instructors patiently watch students step out of their comfort zones and help them recover after failures. This is what we call “LEARNING”.

Each course is designed to have multiple levels of problems starting from simple and low-complex problems and moving to more complex and longer ones. Students will practice the Design, Code/Build, Test cycle at each step of the way

Unleash the Hidden talent and Get Benefits for your Kid

Problem Solving Skills
Confidence when facing challenges
Learning C Language
Learning Electronic Circuits
Learning CAD and Mechanics
Learning Python
Learning AI
Learning without noticing
Meet Our Future Robotic Engineers

Engineering For Kids Complements Conventional Classroom Learning