About Us

About Us

Exceed Robotics was founded by a team of mechanical, computer and software engineers in 2014 in Thornhill. After 3 years of successful education, Mississauga location was added. Showing strong support from parents and excitement from kids, Richmond Hill location is coming onboard in January of 2019.

Exceed team is passionate about giving kids what they need to find their passion from early on. Our goal is to take kid’s curiosity and combine it with great challenges given in the way of robotics and programming to create the draw for them to learn without being forced. This method has been proven in all our locations by over 90% retention from a term-0by-term basis.

We never stop developing. Our curriculum keeps changing to meet the stay on track with what is needed tomorrow. Our latest addition, Artificial Intelligence, puts us as the only club teaching kids how to use AI in given applications. Even after developments are complete, we continue making changes based on feedback from students, teachers, parents and our executive team.

We hope to continue to serve our duty in giving the kids what they need in order to become great in their personal and professional careers.

Engineering For Kids Complements Conventional Classroom Learning