Virtual Camps

Virtual Camps

Virtual Camps
for kids

For Who?
Children aged 8+ can benefit from virtual camps offered daily for a week. Ideal for students who cannot attend physical classes but would still want to benefit from learning STEM subjects at the comfort of their houses, libraries…etc.

Virtual classes with live instructor and 8 students maximum. Options are Robotics (2 stages) or Python. Students will be downloading the provided simulation software or IDEs (depending on the camp) and log on to the live session on the scheduled days and times. Instructors will share screen during the teaching times and can view student screens to answer questions and troubleshoot. Camps are designed to be engaging for maximum of 1.5 hours per session. Student will have software access for the week and can continue to work on their project after each class. Some software have unlimited access and never expire.

A Fun and engaging week
These classes are designed to be interactive and fun. Teaching material is similar to the regular curriculum. Teachers present the teaching content at the beginning of each session and give students ample time for them to work on each project and help them accomplish the tasks.

Camp Schedules

There are 3 camps being offered for weeks of March 23-27 and March 30 – April 3 to help parents keep students activated with at-home virtual classes per below schedule:


Robotics Camp for ages 8-10 (Windows ONLY)
Mon-Fri 10:30-12


Robotics Camp for ages 11+   (Windows ONLY)
Mon-Fri 1-2:30


Python Camp for ages 12+     (Windows OR MAC)
Mon-Fri 3-4:30


Robotics Camp for ages 8-10 (Windows ONLY)
Mon-Fri 10:30-12


Python Camp for ages 12+     (Windows ONLY)
Mon-Fri 1-2:30


Robotics Camp for ages 11+   (Windows OR MAC)
Mon-Fri 3-4:30


What you will Learn During Classes

Arduino Microcontroller
CAD and Mechanics
Python Language
Game Programming
Simulation Software
Programming Challenges

Enroll into a Virtual Camp Today

Live Instructor
Maximum 8 students per class
Simulator Software Provided