Virtual Python Curriculum

Virtual Python Curriculum

Program Overview

Virtual Python Curriculum is designed for students between ages of 12-18 who wish to learn Python programming language leading to Artificial Intelligence applications. The curriculum begins with Python Language in Game Programming, then advances to Image Processing and ends with Artificial Intelligence. Students will end the curriculum by learning Raspberry Pi and application in Artificial Intelligence.

The curriculum is divided in 3 modules. The first module is Python Fundamentals using Game Programming. The second module is Image Processing using Camera and filtering applications. The final module is Artificial Intelligence using Image Detections as well as Speech Detections. At the end of the curriculum, students can use Python language to create imaging and speech application using Artificial Intelligence.

Program Highlights

  • Minimum age of 12 years old
  • Live Instructor with maximum 8 students in each session
  • Learn Python programming language
  • Get familiar with Algebra concepts: Vectors, Matrices
  • Get introduced to image processing
  • Learn AI applications in imaging (object detection)
  • Learn how to use Raspberry pi
  • Solve many problems through code debugging
  • Boost your confidence

There is a total of 3 modules in the virtual python curriculum for a total length of 40 weeks.

Module 1: Fundamentals of Python (16 weeks)

We use Game Programming to teach fundamentals of Python programming language. In this module, students learn the foundations of the Python language with application in creating games. Concepts such as variables, tuples, matrices, axis, pixels, classes…etc are covered in this module. Students will be downloading the given software and given projects in each virtual class.

Module 2: Image Processing (12 weeks)

This module introduces the concept of taking images and processing them to detect objects. Students learn how to manipulate images and videos using Python language and apply various digital filters to get the picture ready for processing.

Module 3: Artificial Intelligence (12 weeks)

Perhaps the edge of technology for kids is Artificial Intelligence. In this module, students use knowledge from the previous modules to detect objects in the images taken. Anything from detecting colors to detecting faces and various body and general parts will be part of the AI applications. As a second AI application, speech detection will be introduced where students are able to detect words. Combining both applications, students are able to control devices using gesture and words.

A reason to learn Math and Sciences :

Exceeders 9 curriculum deals greatly with numbers, geometry and functions. As an example, in a given robot, gears are used to transfer power. Based on the number of teeth, students need to calculate the number of rotations of connected gears. They then need to estimate the number of rotations of gears for a given arm movement. The predictions they make is based on extrapolation which is the initial concept in functions and relations.

Learning Coding, CAD and Electronics:

With increasing demand in Robotics, children benefit greatly by learning the essential skills from childhood. Our modular approach, combined with homework, teaches the students C programming language to be used in Arduino Microcontrollers, as well as CAD software to design and create parts, and Electronics to connect motors and sensors to the board. Since our teaching is very application-based and hands-on, students develop a visual understanding which helps them greatly when they learn the theory of the sciences.

Discover their hidden STEM interest and nourish it:

Some kids show early signs of interest in Science by asking many related questions, some don’t. Our experience shows the earlier kids are placed in a program that tickles their curiosity, the more interested they become in it. Our job as educators is to give the kids challenges that interest them, then help them plan a solution, let them comfortably try methods they think would work, encourage them when they fail to try a different solution and cheer them on the successful completion of the challenge. Most often when kids believe they are good at something, they will pursue it and it becomes part of their life. The earlier they start before other hobbies (such as gaming) becomes their main interest, the easier it is to create the long-term interest.

Make them a decision maker:

Most kids are either afraid of problems or look for an easy way out of them. The first reaction is usually to give up and do something else. Fortunately, Robotics has a component called Programming which uses logic to create a path to the goal. The logic gives students an indirect path to think of a solution. Think of it as a given set of tools that can be used to do the job. The art is to select the right tools in the right order for an easier way of completing the job. When logic and CAD design are combined, students use imagination to create a robot and logic to get the robot to accomplish a task. During this journey, they are encountered with numerous problems and are guided to solve them. Sometimes they get frustrated and emotional, but that all is ok since that means they care. Going through such exercises are like a 101 workshop in problem-solving making them fearless of tackling the unknowns.

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